4 steps to read a Cito text

read a cito text

Many children who come to me start with reading. They read the text with great concentration from top to bottom. I introduce a better structure during the tutoring. In this way they absorb the text better and arrive at better answers. Below I explain how this works.

1. view picture and title

Every quote text starts with a title and a picture. I recommend every child to take a look at this one quietly. I often ask what they think this quote is about.

Children have a wide imagination and often the picture is enough for them. I can see kids skipping the picture. And that’s a shame. It stimulates their childish imagination and makes the text easier.

2. Read first and last sentence of each paragraph

At a newspaper we read the summary and then we know more or less what an article is about. With a Cito reading comprehension test it works slightly differently.

I ask each child to read each first and last sentence of each paragraph first. Then I ask if they know what the story is about. And whether this still fits their story that fits the title and picture.

Sometimes I have the student read a section aloud. Then I can hear if your child is reading the right words. Or that they make other words of it.

Adv. reading comprehension

Group 7 elementary school

Group 8 elementary school

3. read the whole story

Finally, the student is now allowed to read the whole story of the Cito text. That always takes a while. They then read to themselves. Some will take a little more time than others. I often read along. Then I can estimate the reading speed a bit. However, reading speed is not really a part of reading comprehension.

4. finally the questions are answered

Many children feel rushed when answering the questions. The lesson is not about the answer itself, but how your child gets there.

Many children usually do not look for the answer in the text at the beginning. Even if they don’t know exactly, they prefer to gamble. So I’ll send something to that.


There you have it. In 4 steps you can make a text easier for your child. This wears off on its own after a few lessons.

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